Manually Install WordPress In live Server

manually install wordpress in live server

Hello, My dear Friend . How are you? Today we are going to learn how to manually install wordpress in live server. By follow the content you can easily install wordpress in your main domain or sub domain.

4 Step For Install WordPress

We should follow the steps for install wordpress in your domain or hosting.

If your hosting provider provide softaculous app installer or cpanel you can easily install wordpress in your live server

If it's very hard to maintain your server and setup wordpress, you can choose a best and affordable hosting provider who provide cPanel and softaculous app installer. Our recommendation is namecheap.

Lets start to install wordpress in your hosting

download wordpress

Step 1 Download WordPress

For Manually install and setup wordpress in hosting at first we should download wordpress
1.1 Go to Google and than go to the url
1.2 Click on download wordpress

Step 2 Upload The Files In Cpanel

Now, We should upload the downloaded files in our hosting where we want to install wordpress.
We have lot of method to upload files in hosting, Two easy method are 1. FTP and 2. Cpanel We are going to upload the files by cpanel.

login your cpanel

Step 2.1 login your cpanel

At first you should login your cpanel. you can login your cpanel by write

If this link will not work than you should follow the cpanel link which your hosting provider was provide you when you purchase hosting.

Or You should login your hosting pannel for get cpanel url
2.2 visit your login url
2.3 Write user name and password
2.3 Click on login

File Manager

Step 2.4 Click On File Manager

After, login your cpanel than scroll down and click file manager

select area where you want to install wordpress

Step 2.5 Select the area

It's important to select the collect area. Because, if you download upload the files correctly, It will not work. We are going to install wordpress In . In this case we are going to click on it.

If you want to install wordPress in main-domain than click on public_html

upload files

Step 2.6 Click On Upload

Now, Click on upload

select files 2

Step 2.7 Select Files

Click on Select Files and than select the files which you downloaded from, wait untill complete the upload process and after complete the process reload the uploaded area

extract the files

Step 2.8 Extract The Files

Write click on the files and click on Extract Than Click On Extract Files Than open WordPress Files


Step 2.9 Move

Now, we should change the files directory 1. select the box (Select Tab)
Than Click On 2. Move
Than remove the 3. WordPress from move location
Than Click On 4. Move Files

Step 3 make databases and user

Now, We should make databases , user and connect the databases with user

Mysql and databases

Step 3.1 Click On MySQL Databases

From cpanel click on MySQL Databases
Note: Don't forget to save the datase name, user name and password from step 3.2, 3.3 in a text files

Create Databases

Step 3.2 Create Databases

Write the databases name in the box and than click on Create Database than click on Go back

Create User

Step 3.3 Create User

Scroll down and go to Add New User secton, Write the user name in the box and than write a password, than click on Create user than click on Go back

connect the databases with user

Step 3.4 Connect The Databases With User

Scroll down and go to Add User To Database secton, select the database and user, than click on Add

all privileges


Select ALL PRIVILEGES and than click on Make Changes


Step 4 Go To Google And Write The Url

Go to Google and than write the url http://your-domain-name/wp-admin/setup-config.php Or, if you just write your domain name it will redirect to you in this url
Click on Continue

lets go

Step 4.1 Let's Go

We already have the Database name, Database username, Database password, Database host, so now, Click On Let's Go


Step 4.2 Setup WordPress

We already have the Database name, Database username, Database password, Database host, so now, we should use them one by one

Write the Database Name which you were make from step 3.2
Write the Database User Name which you were make from step 3.3
Write the Database User Password which you were make from step 3.3
No need to change the Database host it always should be local host
You can change the Table Prefix example cd_ not required
Now click on submit
Than Click On Run The Installation

install wordpress

Step 4.3 Setup Login Access

It's time to setup wordpress login access.Note that we will used it to login our wordpress dashboard.

Site Title Write a site titles for your site
User Name Write a user name for your site.
Password Make a password for your website
Now click on Install WordPress



If you do everything correctly than you will get the screen success. You can login your site by click on login

Eveytime you should write for login your site

Are you facing any problem to manually install wordpress in live server , you can whatsapp us.

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